If you love the snow, and you love adventure, then riding a snowmobile is an excellent way to spend more time in the drifts while chasing those endorphins. However, those who are new to snowmobile riding need to learn about the basics of the sport, which includes health and safety concerns, in addition to how to take care of your snowmobile. 

1. Getting the Right Sled

First, you need to make sure that you’re getting the right snowmobile for how you want to ride. There are many types of snowmobiles, and some are better for beginners than others. Avoid high-powered options or snowmobiles that are intended for professional riding purposes; a lower-powered model with lots of safety features is best for a new rider.

2. Gearing Up

You’ll need a lot of gear in order to safely ride your snowmobile. An insulated snowsuit will help you to stay warm and cozy in the cold, and you’ll want to combine it with thick wool socks, heavy gloves, a scarf, and snow boots. You should also invest in a snowmobile helmet that has a full face mask to protect your head and face.

3. Staying Safe

Riding a snowmobile is a somewhat risky endeavour, so it’s a good idea for you to avoid riding by yourself. Going on a trip with others means that you have people to help you if you get into trouble. You should also check the weather before you head out to make sure that any thawing hasn’t occurred in the area you want to ride in, as this increases the risk of an avalanche occurring. Finally, make sure that you’re not taking undue risks and that you’re only riding in daylight hours with good visibility.

Visit our dealership in Edmonton, AB, to check out our selection of new and used snowmobiles for sale. We’ll also share our financing options with you to help you fund your purchase. Alberta Cycle serves our customers in Grande Prairie, AB.