Riding your ATV is a thrilling and fun way to spend your time on the weekends. Your ATV also provides you with a handy vehicle for completing work tasks on your property. But operating an ATV does present some risks, whether you use it for work or play, and it’s important to follow basic safety practices to keep your rides accident-free. Here are some of our best ATV safety tips.

Gear Up

First and foremost, you need to make sure that you’re wearing the right gear to keep yourself protected because you could be thrown from your ATV if you hit something. This means you need to wear a well-fitting DOT-rated helmet and a pair of goggles for head and eye protection. You’ll also need to wear clothing to protect your skin, including long sleeves and pants. Riding boots and riding gloves will give you better grip on your ATV while protecting your appendages.

Stay Sober

Riding your ATV while you’re under the influence of drugs or alcohol is a very bad idea. Alcohol and drugs not only slow your reflexes and make you less aware of your surroundings, but they can also make you act more recklessly than you might otherwise, which puts you and others around you at risk. Save your beer for when you’re safely back at home again.

Use Caution

Never exceed your limits when you’re riding your ATV. Don’t attempt any stunts or jumps that you don’t think you’re capable of completing. Also, stick to the path if you’re in a riding area that’s marked, as it’s safer and you’re less likely to damage the surrounding environment. Finally, try to avoid riding at night or in bad weather.

Stop by our location in Edmonton, AB, today to view our current stock of new and used ATVs for sale. You can also talk about our financing options with our sales team members. Alberta Cycle serves our customers in Grande Prairie, AB.