Here in Canada, we get cold, icy, snowy winters that can make it challenging to ride your motorcycle. However, if you’re a year-round motorcyclist who uses your bike as your main form of transportation, you’ve got to figure out some ways to stay warm and safe on the roads while on your motorcycle. Here are some of our top cold-weather motorcycling tips to help you out.

Wear Layers

While you may be tempted to just throw a coat over your standard riding ensemble, you’re going to get cold pretty quickly if you do that. The best strategy when you’re spending hours out in cold weather is to layer up your clothing so that you stay nice and insulated, particularly with the wind hitting you on your bike.

Start with a base layer of thermal underwear or leggings and a long-sleeved shirt. Add on thinner layers, then your riding pants and jacket or a one-piece riding suit. You may want to invest in insulated riding gear for wintertime rides. You’ll also need to wear insulated gloves, thick wool socks, riding boots, and a knit cap underneath your helmet. A scarf tucked into your jacket can help your neck stay warm.

Check the Weather

It’s wise to check your weather forecast for the area where you plan to ride so you know what to expect. You should never ride in weather conditions that you don’t think you can handle. Blizzards, high winds, or very cold temperatures are forecasts that should signal you to find a different way to get where you’re going.

Don’t Overexert Yourself

Once you get on the road, you should ensure that you’re taking frequent breaks to go inside where it’s warm, have some food and water, and walk around to limber up. If you find that you’re too cold to keep riding, don’t be afraid to cut the ride short or wait out the cold indoors.

Drop by our dealership in Edmonton, AB, to view our inventory of new and used motorcycles for sale. Alberta Cycle is proud to serve our Alberta customers in the city of Grande Prairie.