Sometimes, the weather is sunny and bright with a light breeze: perfect for a motorcycle ride. Other times, though, it’s not so great. No matter the season, a sudden rainstorm can dampen your plans both figuratively and literally. However, you may still want or need to ride your bike when it’s pouring outside, and you can do so, provided you’re smart about it. Here are some tips on how to safely ride your motorcycle when the skies are gray and the roads are wet.

Inspect & Repair Your Motorcycle

You should always make sure that your bike is in good working condition before you ride in any type of weather, but especially in bad weather. Your tires in particular should have their pressure checked. Air up any tires that have low psi levels so that you can get better traction on wet asphalt which will help you avoid hydroplaning or skidding out.

Also, check your brake pads and brake fluid to make sure they don’t need replacing or replenishing. You’ll need your brakes to work especially well in the rain. Test your lights and signals, too, so you can see and be seen while riding. And finally, make sure you fill up your fuel tank and have your oil changed before you set off.

Gear Up

Your standard motorcycle gear may not keep you dry in the rain. You’ll have to invest in waterproof gear, including a jacket and boots so that you don’t get cold and damp while riding. Even just wearing a poncho over your gear can help you stay dry. You should also make sure that your gear is reflective using bright colors or reflective tape so that other motorists can see you against all the gray.

Exercise Caution

Once you’re on the road and in the rain, try to stay a few miles below the speed limit and increase your following distance. You’ll want to give yourself extra time to react to stopped traffic or obstacles on the road. Remain vigilant for deep puddles, metal plates that might cause you to lose traction, or animals on the road. Turn on your lights and watch other motorists carefully so that you can stay out of their way if they make any sudden maneuvers.

Need a tune-up before you hit the road with your bike? Get in touch with the Alberta Cycle service department so we can make you an appointment. Our mechanics can perform a safety check of your motorcycle to ensure it’s good to go.

When you’re ready to buy a new motorcycle, stop by our dealership in Edmonton, AB, to check out our fine stock of new and used motorcycles for sale. We can even provide you with financing assistance on your purchase. Just talk to one of our team members to learn more. Alberta Cycle serves our customers in the city of Grande Prairie, AB.